Air Care Series: Not Just Little Adults, Neonatal Resus

Air Care Series: Not Just Little Adults, Neonatal Resus

While often alarming, neonatal resuscitation is critical in the care of a neonate. In the critical care transport environment preparations is crucial in optimizing resuscitation success. In this edition of Air Care Series, Dr. Irankunda walks us through neonatal resuscitation in the transport environment.

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Grand Rounds Recap 6.12.2019

Grand Rounds Recap 6.12.2019

This week we had a wide array of topics covered in Grand Rounds. Dr. Continenza started our morning off discussing coping strategies for difficult pediatric patient encounters. Next, Dr. Gauger took us through the toxicology and treatment of calcium channel blocker overdose. Dr. Bernardoni had a fantastic capstone combing a number of high yield visual diagnosis. Lastly, Dr. Wilen took us through a pediatric simulation of undifferentiated pediatric jaundice. Enjoy!

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Grand Rounds Recap 6.05.19

Grand Rounds Recap 6.05.19

We hope you enjoy this week’s Grand Rounds Recap from 6.05.2019. We started the day with a talk on how to master the extraglottic device during Airway Grand Rounds with Dr. Carleton. Next, Dr. Liebman talked about error reduction in Airway Management with the use of checklists. Dr. Shaw then presented a fascinating case of Guillain-Barre Syndrome. Dr. Walsh shared some pearls as to how to utilize the Sgarbossa Criteria. Lastly, we were honored to have Dr. Dunlop talk to us about trauma in the developing world during Global Health Grand Rounds.

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Show Love to Strangers

Show Love to Strangers

To provide a fuller education, our curriculum should occasionally bend from the scientific and technical and include matters of the heart.  This is a case from the early 1990s, a time in this fair land when ultrasound was not part of emergency practice, when RSI was still a relatively fresh concept, when the treatment of shock was non-systematic, and when consultation was a matter of pleading on the telephone. 

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Grand Rounds Recap 5.22.19

Grand Rounds Recap 5.22.19

This week we welcomed Dr. Thurman, a UC alumnus, back to Cincinnati for a fantastic quick hit visual diagnosis lecture. This was followed by a review of the literature on pneumonia by Drs. Modi and Mand. Dr. Wolochatiuk reviewed chemical and electrical burns, and Dr. Lane and Lang reviewed the diagnosis and management of proctitis in their CPC. Dr. Humphries presented some fantastic cases of zebra diagnoses in the ED. Lastly, Dr. Soria concluded with her inquisitive thoughts from over the years.

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Air Care Series: Man Meets Machine

Air Care Series: Man Meets Machine

In this edition of the Air Care series we take a look at the LVAD via post and podcast, introducing you to the meeting of man and machine. Adam Gottula, MD interviews Liz Powell, MD and Paige Barger, NP covering the spectrum of LVAD basics from common functions to life threatening complications.

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Surrounded by Mysteries We Cannot Hope to Understand

Surrounded by Mysteries We Cannot Hope to Understand

I.C. Cordes submissions arise spontaneously whenever I have something on my mind.  Usually they are concrete lessons in airway management, but recently I have done a lot of airway training and that tank is a little dry.  Hence, this is another foray into metaphysics as I stumble toward the twilight and navigate Erikson’s 8th stage of psychosocial development.

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Grand Rounds Recap 5.8.19

Grand Rounds Recap 5.8.19

Welcome to another installment of the Grand Rounds Recap! We had an excellent series of lecturers that we are very excited to share with you. We started off the day with our visiting lecturer Dr. Noble who presented a some excellent pearls on how to better incorporate lung ultrasound in the management of our patients in the ED. Next up Dr. Mand and Dr. Lagasse went head to head in our clincopathologic case series. Dr. Lagasse nailed the diagnosis of Dengue hemorrhagic fever and Dr. Mand then educated us on how it can progress to shock. To follow came Dr. Pulvino who lead us through some small group cases on the utilization of the PERC criteria and Wells score in the evaluation of patient with a potential pullmonary embolism. Next was Dr. Connelly who presented on the evaluation and management of patients with conditions resulting from ascent to high altitudes. To wrap up the day Dr. Lipshaw demystified the pediatric rash patient.

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Tidal Volume Strategies for those without ARDS

Tidal Volume Strategies for those without ARDS

 Invasive ventilation is one of the most frequently applied interventions utilized for critically ill patients.  However, as with all medical interventions, there are potential risks and harms which must be balanced with perceived benefit.  As our understanding of physiology grows, we have found more and more potential harms associated with invasive mechanical ventilation. This review of a recent article published in JAMA explores the impact of different tidal volume strategies for patients who do not have ARDS.

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