ESR, CRP, & Procalcitonin: Acute Inflammatory Markers in the ED

ESR, CRP, & Procalcitonin: Acute Inflammatory Markers in the ED

Working in the ED one day you seem to hit a run of patients in whom consultants have asked you to order an ESR, CRP.  First, podiatry asked for them for a patient with 1st metatarsal osteomyelitis.  Spine surgery wanted the same for a patient with diskitis. And, ortho wanted them for a possible septic.  You think to yourself, “what am I or my consultant going to do with these test results?” “What are these inflammatory markers anyhow?” And, “what patient’s should I be ordering them in.”

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Clinical Approach to Knee Radiographs

Early in the morning, you begin your day in your local emergency department. After getting yourself situated, a slow trickle of patients begin to appear on the board. It appears to be a normal morning, all except for the fact that five patients appear, one after the other, who have the same chief complaint: “Knee pain”. It is a good thing you brushed up on reading knee x-rays recently!

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Clinical Concepts in CT Imaging of the Chest

Clinical Concepts in CT Imaging of the Chest

A 45 yo Female presents to the ED with sudden onset of chest pain, described as worse when taking a deep breath.  She is significantly short of breath and appears distressed.  She recently underwent a total right knee arthroplasty and reports having been bedridden secondary to pain.  Physical exam is remarkable for a right lower extremity with surgical incisions that clean, dry, intact; however, her left lower extremity is swollen with significant tenderness along the popliteal fossa and calf.  

Vitals: Temp 99.2HR 120RR: 28 BP:  130/80 SpO2 90% on RA.

A CTPA is ordered...

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Clinical Concepts in Pelvic Ultrasound

Clinical Concepts in Pelvic Ultrasound

Your patient is a well appearing, otherwise healthy 22 year old female who presents with lower abdominal pain x3 days.  She is unsure of her LMP, but thinks she had some spotting about a month ago.  Vital signs: Temp 99.3F, HR 92, BP 102/70, RR 20, 98% on RA.  She has a benign, non-gravid abdomen.  Urine pregnancy is positive.  You fire off a quantitative hCG and don’t expect that result to come back for a while.  What do you do next?  

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Interpreting Elbow and Forearm Radiographs

Interpreting Elbow and Forearm Radiographs

Elbow injuries account for 2-3% of all emergency department visits across the nation (1). Yet, because of the elbow’s complex anatomy and the presence of numerous ossification centers in children, elbow fractures are the third most commonly missed fracture group in the ED (1). Here are some tools to help ED physicians read elbow x-rays more effectively and hopefully identify abnormalities more easily...

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General Considerations

Both the diagnostic and therapeutic thoracenteses are performed using a similar technique. The major difference is the amount of fluid removed. The proceduralist may also choose to only use the needle technique as opposed to the needle-catheter unit when obtaining fluid for diagnostic purposes only.

It is generally recommended that needle size be limited to 18-gauge or smaller to minimize risk of pneumothorax and damage to nearby structures.

US-guided thoracentesis is associated with a significantly lower rate of complications and has become the standard of care. (1)  Real-time ultrasound (US) guidance is recommended for small or loculated effusions when there is concern that the diaphragm or lung tissue is <10mm from the pleural surface. It is also recommended in patients with relative contraindications such as coagulopathies and the mechanically ventilated patient.

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Lung Ultrasound: Evaluation for Pleural Fluid and Pneumothorax

Lung Ultrasound: Evaluation for Pleural Fluid and Pneumothorax

The Basics

Think about gravity: fluid will collect in most dependent region (down); air tends to collect towards the least dependent regions (up)

Air does not reflect sound waves well. Lungs are filled with air. Rather than getting most of our information from visualizing the anatomy (as in a RUQ ultrasound, for example), much of our information comes from “artifact” or ultrasound waves being affected by phase changes.

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The Urine Drug Screen - Know Thy Limitations

The Urine Drug Screen - Know Thy Limitations

We are all guilty of ordering them in the ED, but do we really know what we’re ordering?

The Implications of the Urine Drug Screen

1 literature review looked at 7 different retrospective studies describing a total of 1,405 patients and found the urine drug screen did not affect the management of any of these patients while in the emergency department.  However, the data from the UDS can affect a patient’s clinical care outside of the Emergency Department.  For example, if a patient requires psychiatric inpatient care, initial knowledge of drug abuse could affect this patient’s etiology of illness or rehabilitation plan.

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The Approach to Shoulder Radiographs

The Approach to Shoulder Radiographs

The first snowflakes of the year are falling as you head into your midday Minor Care shift.  Slipping on an icy patch of compacted snow and nearly falling as you head from your car to the ED entrance, you have a sneaking suspicion what the day will bring: falls, slips, and trips.  Indeed, you settle down to the computer, log in to your EMR and pull up the minor care screen to see 2 unseen patients with the chief complaint of “Fall”...

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CSF Evaluation in Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

CSF Evaluation in Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

So, what constitutes a “positive” tap when evaluating for subarachnoid hemorrhage?

Traditional teaching is that a positive tap is Xanthochromia or blood in the CSF

What exactly is Xanthochromia?

The word xanthochromia is simply Greek for “yellow color.”  It refers to the yellow color that CSF can take in certain situations.  Some of these situations are listed below:

  • Elevated CSF protein            
  • Jaundice
  • Hypervitaminosis A
  • Rifampin Therapy
  • Elevated Bilirubin
  • Oxyhemoglobin

What we are especially interested in when evaluating for subarachnoid hemorrhage is bilirubin and oxyhemoglobin.

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Respiratory Monitoring - An Introduction to Pulse Ox and Capnography

Respiratory Monitoring - An Introduction to Pulse Ox and Capnography

First a bit of physics....

Both pulse oximetry and capnometry rely on the Beer-Lambert Law. 

  • In 1760, Johann Heinreich Lambert proved that the absorbance of light through a material is proportional to the thickness of the material.  
  • In 1852, August Beer proved that the absorbance of light through a material is proportional to the concentration of the attenuating substance in the material.
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What is Useful in the ED to Help Diagnose or Rule Out Septic Arthritis?

What is Useful in the ED to Help Diagnose or Rule Out Septic Arthritis?


There are many risk factors for septic arthritis including age >80, Diabetes, Rheumatoid Arthritis, recent joint surgery, prosthesis, cellulitis.  The absence of risk factors does not make septic arthritis less likely in an acute monoarticular arthritis


Monoarticular arthritis is often characterized as a warm, painful, swollen joint with limited range of motion.  No studies to date have quantified specificity data on the physical exam.  Therefore, clinicians must use their own clinical gestalt when interpreting physical exam findings.

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