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McMasters EBCP Course Site - Contains several good videos on likelihood ratios, odds ratios, as well as some other educational resources
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Recent Journal Club Recaps
Current screening tools for pediatric septic shock and sepsis are highly specific but lack sensitivity. This study substituted age adjusted vital sign measures and a pediatric shock index into currently existing pediatric sepsis scoring systems to create the qPS4.When utilizing a cut off of ≧ 2 points, the qPS4 was highly sensitive and specific, and identified pediatric septic shock far sooner into a patient's course.
There is a wide variation in practice, particularly in obtaining neuro-imaging in patients presenting with vertigo. Many patients are imaged and subjected to a longer length of stay, and on the other side of the coin, some patients with serious pathology fall through the cracks. The authors of this study set out to create a risk score to apply to patients who present to the ED with vertigo which would identify the patients at risk for serious pathology (which they defined as stroke, TIA, vertebral artery dissection, or brain tumor).
Sepsis remains an increasingly common emergency department condition that is tied to higher morbidity and mortality across the United States as well as the rest of the world. Sepsis as a disease process has been difficult to both clearly define and quickly recognize. Many metrics for recognition and management of sepsis are dependent upon various scoring systems, including SIRS, SOFA, qSOFA, and MEWS, none of which were designed for the acute detection of sepsis within the emergency department. This journal club recap will look at an article by Knack et al looking at physician gestalt vs scoring systems for the detection of sepsis.
In patients with cirrhosis and ongoing bleeding, it can be challenging to determine whether or not patients are hyper or hypocoagulable. Traditional markers of coagulation status like INR can be difficult to interpret in patients with abnormal synthetic function and potentially increase consumption of coagulation factors. Can TEG (thromboelastography) be a helpful too in these situations? In this journal club recap, Dr. Grisoli recaps a recent article by Rout et al that addresses this issue.
In this journal club recap, Dr Sarah Moulds recaps a recent meta-analysis of papers looking at the therapeutic effect of TXA in patients with severe trauma. Are their higher rates of thromboembolic complications? Is mortality improved? This article by Fouche et al attempts to answer these questions.
Out of hospital cardiac arrest (OOHCA) represents a great cause of morbidity and mortality. Approximately 350,000 cardiac arrests occur in North America annually and 20% can be attributed to Ventricular tachydysrhythmias (i.e. ventricular tachycardia [v fib] and ventricular tachycardia [v tach]without a pulse). In this journal club recap, Dr Kelly Tillotson recaps an article comparing different ways of defibrillation and their effect on outcomes in OOHCA
Can clean gloves (those in the box in the room) be used safely during the repair of traumatic lacerations in the ED? Should we break open the package of sterile gloves each time? This Journal Club recap covers a recent paper examining the use of clean vs sterile gloves for wound repair in the ED.
Sepsis is a leading cause of mortality for hospitalized patient’s both worldwide and in the United States. The surviving sepsis guidelines weakly recommend invasive arterial blood pressure monitoring (IABP) over noninvasive blood pressure monitoring (NIBP) with a blood pressure cuff supported by low quality evidence.(1) Data comparing the accuracy between IABP and NIBP measurements are limited. The largest analysis of 736 critically ill patients found a mean difference of 1 mmHg which was not statistically significant, however, there was only one measurement recorded per patient.(2) Arterial lines have several drawbacks compared with non-invasive methods such as: training requirements for caregivers, potential for pain and increased pain medications, limitation of participation in physical therapy, risk of digital ischemia, and risk of iatrogenic infection.(3) In this journal club recap, we analyze an article looking at the relationship between invasive arterial line blood pressure readings and non-invasive cuff measurements.
Can the addition of high-dose methylprednisolone to the treatment of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest make a meaningful difference? In this post-hoc analysis of a placebo-controlled randomized control trial comparing high-dose methylprednisolone versus placebo in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA), the authors aimed to assess the hemodynamic effects of prehospital high-dose glucocorticoid treatment in resuscitated comatose OHCA patients.
With the advent of fast-acting subcutaneous insulin analogs over the past 20 years, multiple studies have demonstrated that subcutaneous insulin protocols for treatment for treatment of mild-to-moderate severity DKA are safe and cost-effective when compared to intravenous insulin infusion protocols in non-ICU settings. In the context of increasing ED and hospital crowding as well as limited ICU availability, this study aimed to evaluate the impact of a subcutaneous insulin (SQuID) protocol in the treatment of DKA on emergency department length-of-stay (EDLOS) and ICU admissions