Palliative care? Methemoglobinemia? False positive pregnancy tests? Dr. Lauren Gillespie takes us through a multifaceted journey, ranging from the end-of-life ethics in the setting of organ transplantation to discussing cool facts our residents have looked up on shift!
Join Dr. Ann Wolski as she takes us through a fascinating case of uterine incarceration causing acute urinary retention.
That pesky little RLQ pain is back, but you thought you put a stop to this nonsense! Join Dr. de Castro as he takes us through a case of stump appendicitis and increases awareness of this rare post-appendectomy complication.
Join Dr. Stothers as he takes us through a serious case of an Anti-Xa overdose and the clinical nuances that face providers in caring for these patients.
Dr. Sobocinski takes us through a rare but interesting case of upper extremity swelling leading to limb ischemia caused by deep venous occlusion.
Join Dr. Della Porta as she describes the considerations emergency physicians should have when treating patients who have presentations suggestive of suicide-related behaviors and how to evaluate safe discharge plans.
In our next Annals of B Pod Case - join us for the management and tips on how to keep your nerve and reduce the eye and set everyone at ease.
Unfortunately, we are all familiar with the dangerous respiratory depression that can occur in opioid overdose; but did you know that opioids can also cause hearing loss? Dr. Kein takes us through two cases of opioid overdoses with associated hearing loss, as seen in B Pod.
Former rotating medical student Matthew Mannion describes the case of hemoptysis in an immunocompromised patient that turned out to be a great ball of fungus: aspergilloma.
Summertime may be coming to a close but no better time to learn about the trials and tribulations of diagnosis in B Pod. Join our wide ranging case presentations and some solid summer #FOAMed
Editorial Staff
Resident Editor-In-Chief
Diana Rodriguez, MD - Layout Editor
Resident editors
Olivia Gobble, MD
Jazmyn Shaw, MD
Alessandra Della Porta, MD
Cody Stothers, MD PhD
Lucas Boyer, MD
Sophia Newton, MD
Ann Wolski, MD
Mel Otten, MD
Kelli Jarrell, MD
Aaron Bernard, MD