TamingtheSRU editors-in-chief
Jeffery Hill, MD M.Ed
Associate Professor,
Assistant Residency Director
University of Cincinnati, Department of Emergency Medicine
Ryan LaFollette, MD
Associate Professor,
Assistant Residency Director
University of Cincinnati, Department of Emergency Medicine
Flight Physician / Retrievalist, UC Health Air Care & Mobile Care
Bill Hinckley, MD FACEP CMTE
Associate Professor
University of Cincinnati, Department of Emergency Medicine
Flight Physician / Retrievalist & Air Medical Director, UC Health Air Care & Mobile Care
Immediate Past President, Air Medical Physician Association
Mission Statement
We dedicate ourselves to creating a vibrant, multimodal, and supportive learning environment that fosters the acquisition of knowledge, the clinical application of that knowledge, and life long learning skills necessary to becoming a master clinician.
Commenting Guidelines
We welcome and encourage respectful and professional commenting on blog content. To avoid Spam, commenting on posts greater than 30 days old has been disabled. The editors of the site are informed when new comments are posted. Comments that are defamatory in nature will be removed.
Editorial Guidelines/Process
We are committed to producing high quality educational material. Any and all material posted to the site is reviewed by the editors prior to it's publication. Whenever possible a pre-publication peer review process is used. Similar to the process outlined by Thoma, et al (1), prior to publication edits and comments to posts in process are solicited from expert peer reviewers. To be considered an expert peer reviewer, the individual should meet one of the following criteria:
Published author (textbook, textbook chapter, peer-reviewed journal articles) in the subject area
National speaker in subject area
Received specialty training (i.e. post-residency fellowship training) in the subject area
The author of the post incorporates the feedback from the peer review process, revising their post as needed. A final review is conducted by the editor(s) prior to publication.
Any additional comments from the expert peer reviewer(s) will be published in the comments section simultaneously with publication of the post.
All posts to the site, whether submitted for expert peer review or not, undergo the following editorial process:
Writers (guest, resident or faculty)
Writes initial draft with plan for images / infographics as determined by writer and section editor
Section Editor (resident or faculty)
Creates schedule / plan for posts at least 3 months ahead
Solicits articles from writers
Edits for spelling, grammar and references
Emails solicitation for help from faculty peer review group
Faculty Review (fellow or faculty)
Reviews for content, additional context and appropriate references
They also have the option to provide ‘expert commentary’ that can be published along-side of article
Sends reviewed article back to original author and section editor
Edits for content based on faculty peer review
Sends to section chief
Section Editor
Uploads article into TamingtheSRU, adds images, infographics as appropriate and marks for review
Review and Schedule post for publication
TamingtheSRU Editorial Team
Annals of B Pod Section
Section Editors Marlena Wosiski-Kuhn, MD PhD - Bronwyn Finney, MD
Faculty Editors Bill Knight, MD, Natalie Kreitzer, MD, Ryan LaFollette, MD, Jessica Baez, MD, Grace Lagasse, MD and Kari Gorder, MD
Minor Care Section
Section Editors Bronwyn Finney, MD
Faculty Editor Anita Goel, MD
Ultrasound Section
Section Editors Martina Diaz, MD
Faculty Editors Lori Stolz, MD, Jessica Baez, MD, and Patrick Minges, MD
Air Care Section
Section Editors Kelly Tillotson, MD
Faculty Editors Bill Hinckley, MD and Woods Curry, MD
HIPAA Compliance
This blog is HIPAA compliant. Any and all clinical scenarios involving patients have either been manufactured through the imagination of the authors or have been de-identified by the Department of Health and Human Services Safe-Harbor Guidelines. http://www.hhs.gov/ocr/privacy/hipaa/understanding/coveredentities/De-identification/guidance.html Informed consent has been obtained for any patient photos hosted on the site. Should you have concern about a patient scenario or photo, please contact the website editors immediately.
Privacy Notice
Information including email addresses and contact information provided to the website authors will not be shared with 3rd party vendors.
Terms of Use
Use of this blog and its associated media does not constitute the establishment of a physician-patient relationship. Content posted on this site is NOT medical advice and should not be used to treat patients or yourself. The website authors shall not be held responsible for any damages sustained from the use of this website. The information on this website should not be used to establish standard care or standards of practice for the purposes of legal procedures. The opinions expressed on the website are the opinions of the website and content authors alone and do not represent the policies or opinions of the University of Cincinnati, UC Physicians, UC Health, or University of Cincinnati Medical Center.
Content on the site is licensed under the Creative Commons-Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 License. You are free to share and adapt the content on the site so long as it is not for commercial purposes, you provide appropriate attribution, and indicate if changes were made. For more information see: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/

This work by www.tamingthesru.com is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Thoma, B., Chan, T., Desouza, N. & Lin, M. (2014) Implementing Peer Review at an Emergency Medicine Blog: Bridging the Gap Between Educators and Clinical Experts. CJEM. 16(0), 1-4. DOI: 10.2310/8000.2014.141393