Minor Care Series: Corneal Abrasions

Minor Care Series: Corneal Abrasions

Minor Care series is back with more from the red eye!  We've already covered conjunctivitis and scleritis, now for another high yield topic: Corneal Abrasions!  Everyone seems to have their own way of treating these patients, but is it evidence based?  Read on to find out what the literature says about this common complaint.  

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The Anatomy of Femoral Vascular Access

The Anatomy of Femoral Vascular Access

Prior to the widespread availability of point-of-care ultrasonography, invasive medical procedures were performed by the “landmark method”.  Landmark methods are based on surface anatomy, palpation, and sometimes trigonometry, and are fraught with the potential for error.  Complications, while unquantified in the misty past, were likely much more common than in the current era of readily available bedside imaging.  Vascular access procedures are inarguably safer and more successful when guided by sonography, but interpretation of ultrasound images still requires an understanding of both surface and deeper anatomy to relate the two-dimensional screen image to three-dimensional reality.  Further, there are circumstances where either the urgency of the resuscitation, or compromised access to the patient, requires that vascular access be obtained using landmarks rather than real-time imaging.  In such cases a detailed understanding of regional anatomy is critical to maximize procedural success and minimize complications.

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Global Health: Case Series

Global Health: Case Series

The Global Health case series highlights interesting cases residents experienced while practicing abroad and takes a dive into how to identify the pathology that is crucial know to care for patients both abroad and returning. Dr. Colmer continues this year's case series with a case of an adult patient with a "textbook" rash he saw while in Tanzania.

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Grand Rounds Recap 2.21.18

Grand Rounds Recap 2.21.18

This weeks grand rounds started off with our monthly Morbidity and Mortality with Dr. Lagasse.  We then discuss in Aircare grand rounds led by Drs. Dang and Renne the always harrowing complex patient transfers including LVAD, EKOS and more.

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A Pain in the Neck

A Pain in the Neck

There are some areas in our practice where the literature grants us a somewhat sure path forward in the evaluation of our patients.  The decision whether or not to pursue cervical spine imaging studies following a traumatic mechanism of injury is one of these areas.  The NEXUS criteria and Canadian C-Spine Rule are useful guides for the evaluation of these patients.  What comes after the imaging can be a bit more challenging.  What do we do with patients who have persistent pain but negative imaging? To what extent do we pursue the possibility of a ligamentous injury? Must we wait for all patients to be sober so that we can "clinically clear" them in addition to our radiographic clearance.   The 3 articles below seek to answer some of these challenging questions.  Take a listen to the podcast and read the summaries to familiarize yourself with some of the latest literature addressing these challenging patient care scenarios.

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Grand Rounds Recap 2.14.18

Grand Rounds Recap 2.14.18

This weeks Grand Rounds was started off with our guest lecturer, Dr. Esther Choo, who gave a compelling talk regarding gender disparities in medicine and the effects of gender bias in our profession and every day practice.  This was followed by Dr. Owens and Ventura giving their evidence based approach to the management of A-Fib, as well as previewing their upcoming algorithm for Tamingthesru.com.  Our pediatric EM colleague Dr. Valentino then walked us through current recommendations on the approach to the febrile infant.  In the last hour, Dr. Iparraguirre gave us a lecture on the approach to rashes in the ED.  The conference then concluded with an R4 clinical soap box lecture by Dr. Dang on the history of cannabis and medical marijuana, as well as the research behind its current use.  

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When the Easy LP Isn't Easy

When the Easy LP Isn't Easy

Lumbar punctures can be mercurial procedures.  There are certainly patients in whom it can be predicted that a lumbar puncture will be challenging.  Obesity, patients with known degenerative changes, and agitated patients all present unique challenges when it comes to successfully completing a lumbar puncture.  There are patients, however, who throw you a bit of a curveball.  Sometimes cooperative patients with good landmarks, in whom you had every expectation that you would find success, become seemingly impossible to successfully complete a lumbar puncture.  

For the provider, knowing how to troubleshoot the unexpectedly difficult lumbar puncture can be the difference between success and failure.

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Grand Rounds Recap 2.7.18

Grand Rounds Recap 2.7.18

This week Dr. Carleton kicked off a lecture series on the pediatric airway by discussing some anatomic and physiologic challenges as well as predictors of difficulty. In the latest installment of our Global Health lecture series, Dr. Lagasse gave us a great review on the unique uses of point of care ultrasound in a resource limited setting. Our R1 Diagnostics curriculum was continue by Dr. Gleimer who discussed the use of PFTs in the ED setting and Drs. Ham & Wright finished things up with an altered mental status CPC presentation. 

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Interpretation of Pulmonary Function Tests in the ED

Interpretation of Pulmonary Function Tests in the ED

While formal pulmonary function testing is not often (if ever) performed in the ED, many patients with a history of COPD, asthma, CHF, sarcoidosis, etc, have had pulmonary function testing performed in the past.  Having an understanding of the underlying pathophysiology of these conditions, physiology of the lungs and respiration, and understanding of how the testing is performed is critical to being able to appropriately interpret the results of these test and apply the test results to our patients.

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Hypotension + Abdominal Pain = Ultrasound

Hypotension + Abdominal Pain = Ultrasound

You are working an busy overnight shift at your rural community ER when a nurse comes to notify you of a new patient in the lobby - there are no open beds currently, but she thinks he looks ill.

You go out to evaluate the patient quickly - He is complaining of severe generalized abdominal pain that started a few hours ago and is worsening. He looks pale and slightly diaphoretic, has severe abdominal tenderness with peritonitis. Concerned, you wheel him back to your trauma bay...

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Grand Rounds Recap 1.31.18

Grand Rounds Recap 1.31.18

In this week's grand rounds, Dr. Stolz discussed all things DVT and the modified two-point compression study for lower extremity clots. In our recurring EM-neuro combined conference, Dr. Stettler discussed the recent DAWN trial results, and how to incorporate CT perfusion studies into our acute ischemic stroke decision trees. In our Quarterly Sim, we discussed the management of the crashing patient from a house fire, and practiced our escharotomy skills. In our mock oral boards, we went through cases on STEMI, carbon monoxide exposure and limb ischemia. Finally, Dr. Lane discussed the workup of acute diarrhea in the adult population, and Dr. Shah went through a particularly unique toxidrome presentation in his R4 Case Follow Up. 

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It's Not "Just the Flu"

It's Not "Just the Flu"

This past month has seen the appearance and peaking of seasonal influenza in the Northern Hemisphere.  This year, a particularly early strain of flu has been causing widespread illness across all 50 of the United States.  The start (or height) of any flu season is a good time to refresh our understanding of the influenza virus, prevention strategies, testing methods, and treatment modalities.  This year, however, we also sit exactly 100 years removed from the most deadly global pandemic ever seen by humanity.  Try your hand at some flu-based trivia and take a listen to the podcast below (or on iTunes).

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