Grand Rounds Recap 5.1.19

Grand Rounds Recap 5.1.19

We had an exciting Grand Rounds this week. We started off with our visiting lecturer, Dr. Jennifer Wiler, who gave us an excellent overview of the dollars and cents behind the care that we provide in the emergency department. Afterwards we practice some oral board style cases. Dr. Betz led a challenging triple patient encounter where we had to simultaneously manage a knee dislocation, aortic dissection with involvement of the right coronary artery, and pneumonia in the setting of HIV. Dr. Curry led a riveting case of preeclampsia where identifying the critical history of a recent delivery was critical to initiating the correct management. We wrapped up the day with a simulation led by Drs. Hill, LaFollette, and Lang on in-flight emergencies!

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Grand Rounds Recap 4.25.18

Grand Rounds Recap 4.25.18

This week’s Grand Rounds was kicked off with our W. Brian Gibler visiting professor series with Dr. Ali Raja M.D., MBA, MPH, and Vice Chair of Emergency Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital. He gave us his insights on how to help move our specialty towards evidence based practice, as well as his tips on leadership within the context of academic emergency medicine. This was followed by our monthly Morbidity and Mortality Conference with Dr. Titone. Dr. Shah then gave his R4 Clinical Soap Box on the utility of ultrasound in cardiac arrest, and the conference finished with Dr. Whitford giving his R3 Taming the SRU case follow up.

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