Grand Rounds 5.8.24

Grand Rounds 5.8.24

Recap another week of Grands Rounds with us! Dr. Gabor helps us confidently navigate the medical emergencies in patients with a transplanted organ. Next up, Dr. Kein talks about the difficulty of navigating grief while completing residency training. Dr. Hill introduces use to research topics in the field of medical education. Our faculty who trained at other institutions, Drs. Adan and Lang, highlight different regional practice pattern variations and the evidence behind them. Meanwhile, Dr. Roche helps us learn how to better care for our female patients in the community. Lastly, we wrapped up with a joint lecture with the Cincinnati Children’s PEM program to learn out handling pediatric foreign bodies in the ED.

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Ketamine Fight Club: Ketamine in TBI

Ketamine Fight Club: Ketamine in TBI

There has long been a concern for increases in ICP with administration of ketamine primarily stemming from reports of increased ICP in the Neurosurgery and Neuroanesthesia literature.  These increases were described primarily in patients usually with CSF outflow obstruction undergoing elective neurosurgical procedures.  In the time since these articles were published, the use of ketamine in a wide variety of patients with neurologic compromise has been reported.  In fact, there have been a couple of recent systematic reviews and meta-analyses on this topic.  These systematic reviews and meta-analyses have essentially analyzing all the same existing literature (which is generally poor in quality).  

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