Grand Rounds Recap 9.15.21

Grand Rounds Recap 9.15.21

Join Us for another week of Grand Rounds as Dr. Boldt takes us through ED management of obstetric emergencies, Dr. Zalesky reviews a year of emergency medicine literature in a blitz, Dr. Hassan discusses ultrasound vs physical exam in modern emergency medicine, and our PEM colleagues take us through Ketamine laryngospasm, neonatal jaundice, and bacterial tracheitis.

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Grand Rounds Recap 7.7.21

Grand Rounds Recap 7.7.21

Join us as we review another excellent week of grand rounds where neurocritical care fellow Dr. Ham takes us through airway management in the neurocritically injured, Dr. Stolz improves our cardiac ultrasound skills, Dr. Lang discusses the OMI/NOMI EKG findings, Dr. Carleton elevates our use of extraglottic devices, and ENT consultant Dr. Patil provides some tips on managing difficult airways!

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