Air Care Series: Electrocution

Air Care Series: Electrocution

Electruction is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality with a widely variable injury pattern. Join the Air Care Series and Annals of B Pod teams as we dive into the pathophysiology and literature surrounding electrocution.

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Annals of B-Pod: Neurogenic Shock

Annals of B-Pod: Neurogenic Shock

Spinal cord injuries are nothing to shake your head at, though. As Dr. Jensen eloquently dissects in his review of neurogenic shock, emergency physicians can play a tremendous role in the ultimate outcomes of patients with vasodilatory shock secondary with the prompt recognition and appropriate management of spinal cord pathology.

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Drill, Baby, Drill

Drill, Baby, Drill

You need access?  You need access right now?  Drill, baby drill.

The EZ-IO is pretty ridiculously easy to use.  The only real decision points in its use are what site to choose (humeral vs tibial) and what needle to use (pink, blue, or yellow).  There are a couple of other nuances which we will cover below and in the embedded video.

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Resuscitation of Penetrating Trauma Patients

Resuscitation of Penetrating Trauma Patients

In our last podcast we covered the basics of the evaluation of the patient with blunt trauma.  We switch gears a little bit this week and focus a little more on penetrating trauma.  In this podcast, Dr. Hinckley and Dr. Chris Miller discuss several facets of the care of penetrating trauma patients including the initial approach and evaluation, detection of subtle presentations of shock, and triggers to initiate transfusion of blood products.  In this accompanying blog post, I’d like to focus primarily on why we might want to withhold fluids on penetrating trauma patients.

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