Grand Rounds Recap 12.5.2018

Grand Rounds Recap 12.5.2018

We had another excellent Grand Rounds this week! Dr. Carleton started us off with some thrilling airway cases in his continuing Airway Grand Rounds series. Next, we were transported to Africa for a case based discussion on Global Health with Drs Owens, Sabedra, Ventura, and Murphy-Crews. Dr. Skrobut and Chris Shaw then took us through a deep dive of the current literature on the management of upper GI bleeds. Dr. Ham then taught us about ACE-I induced angioedema through the lens of an amazing case of a patient who required a cricothyrotomy to save her life! Next up, we had Dr. Gleimer go up against Dr. Faryar in our Clincal Pathological Case series where we a classic presentation of Addison’s disease in a pediatric patient. Dr. Hunt then led us through small group discussions on the application of the HEART Score in patients presenting to the ED with chest pain. We wrapped up the day with Dr. Isaac Shaw who presented a the management of SVT in a complicated patient.

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