Grand Rounds Recap 12.1.21

Grand Rounds Recap 12.1.21

In this week’s Grand Rounds, Dr. Skinner introduces updates to EMS protocols , Dr. Gressick discusses thrombotic complications in COVID-19, Dr. Hunt shares her tips to avoid burnout in residency, Dr. Sobocinski walks us through nephritic and nephrotic syndromes, Dr. Yates challenges Dr. Hughes to diagnose an infected urachal remnant, and Drs. Broadstock, Comiskey, Kimmel, and Winslow discuss the diagnosis and treatment of uniquely Floridian dangers.

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Grand Rounds Recap 05.06.20

Grand Rounds Recap 05.06.20

Grand Rounds this week started with airway QI and COVID-19 airway management per the consummate expertise of Dr. Carleton. Dr. Mullen then taught the pearls and pitfalls of urine drug screens, Dr. Paulsen arose victorious from CPC vs. Dr. Wolochatiuk, and Dr. Ijaz gave a stellar review of ear pathology in the ED. Finally, Drs. Golden, Ham, and Spigner took us on a tour de force remote simulation of structural collapse with crush syndrome complicated by hyperkalemic arrest.

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