Trio of Trauma - Journal Club Recap

Trio of Trauma - Journal Club Recap

The care of trauma patients is constantly evolving. From the time of injury to OR or ICU, there are dozens of management decisions that can improve the care and outcome for your patients. In our most recent journal club we took a look at 3 articles that looked at the management of trauma patients in the ED and ICU. Should we be adding vasopressin to our massive transfusion protocols? Is DL dead for trauma patients? Should we move to use IO’s early in traumatic arrests?

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Grand Rounds Recap 10.02.19

Grand Rounds Recap 10.02.19

In this week’s Grand Rounds we discussed spinal fractures and imaging of knees and hips with our R1s, Drs. Kimmel and Gressick. Dr. Hassani from the R2 class took on Dr. LaFollette with a case of thyrotoxicosis presenting as a-fib with RVR in his CPC, and Dr. Koehler from the R3 Class taught us about heroin/naloxone-induced pulmonary edema. Dr. Golden from the R4 class discussed Fournier’s Gangrene complicated by sepsis-induced cardiomyopathy, and finally our trauma surgery colleague Dr. Pritts discussed some hot topics in trauma.

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Massive Transfusion Triggers: Back to the ABCs (score)

Massive Transfusion Triggers: Back to the ABCs (score)

Massive Transfusion (MT) is a life-saving trigger in trauma centers, but heavy is the burden of activating significant resources without knowing the blood products will go to good use. The ABC is the ACS recommendation, is easy and requires no additional testing, however newer weighted scores like PWH and TASH have showed promise in external validations. This week, Dr. Laurence takes a deep dive into the literature behind these triggers, their validation as well as some take aways for your use of life-saving Massive Transfusion.

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Whole Blood - More than the Sum of Its Components?

Whole Blood - More than the Sum of Its Components?

Q: For a patient in hemorrhagic shock from acute blood loss, what is the best resuscitative fluid?  

A: If they've lost blood, give them blood.  

It's never quite that simple though right?  For a generation now, we have practiced primarily by transfusing patient's with acute blood loss varying ratios of blood product components.  Thanks to the PROPPR trial, we most recently arrived on a generally accepted ratio of 1:1:1 for Plasma, Platelets, and Red Blood Cells for severely injured bleeding trauma patients.  Recent military literature however, suggests that there may be another strategy (which is in and of itself a bit of a throwback) that could offer additional benefits over a component transfusion strategy.  If were are trying to recreate a whole blood with a 1:1:1 plasma:platetel:PRBC ratio, why not just give whole blood?

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Grand Rounds Recap 3.29.2017

Grand Rounds Recap 3.29.2017

Dr. Grosso kicked off Grand Rounds this week with March M&M by diving deep into some core content, including BB and CCA overdoses, influenza, massive transfusion, post-intubation hypotension, and neurological catastrophes causing cardiac arrest. Dr. O'Brien broke down coagulopathy of liver disease and DIC for us while Dr. Golden taught us about febrile seizures. Drs. McKee and Colmer talked through the evidence behind their CPQE pathway on vent management in obstructive lung disease. Drs. Liebman and Powell went head to head in a CPC case about sternal osteomyelitis to round out another excellent week of learning. 

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