Grand Rounds Recap 05.27.20

Grand Rounds Recap 05.27.20

This week Dr. Klaszky presented cases to help us improve our clinical care in the ED with our monthly Morbidity and Mortality conference. Drs. Hall, Modi, and Shaw taught us about marine, reptile, and arthropod envenomations with their R3 small group session. Finally, we were honored to (remotely) host the nationally renowned Dr. Megan Ranney, who gave us an eye-opening presentation on the overlap between gun violence, public health, and the role of emergency medicine.

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Grand Rounds Recap 10.26

Grand Rounds Recap 10.26

We had another great week at Grand Rounds to wrap up the month of October.  Dr. Betham ran the gamut of medical knowledge in her M&M, teaching us from organophosphate poisoning to rhabdomyolysis.  Drs. Merriam and Curry battled in a CPC about submassive and massive PE.  Dr. Shewakramani taught us about all things dental and Dr. Scupp brought it home with his soapbox about the importance of balance in IV fluid resuscitation.

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