Ultrasound Guided Subclavian Line Pearls

Ultrasound Guided Subclavian Line Pearls

Subclavian central lines have historically been a landmark based procedure. While for years IJ and femoral central venous access had move to being primarily ultrasound guided (or entirely ultrasound guided), the subclavian line was a long standing holdout. As such, providers may be unfamiliar with some of the pearls that can facilitate performance of the procedure with ultrasound. In this post, Dr. Ben Duncan, ultrasound fellow discusses some of the ways to help make ultrasound work for you while trying to perform a subclavian line.

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Grand Rounds Recap 2.20.19

Grand Rounds Recap 2.20.19

This week’s grand rounds started with Dr. Colmer reviewing some fascinating cases in this months Morbidity and Mortality. We then split up into groups and did the quarterly sim focusing on informed consent led by Drs. LaFollette and Lang. This was followed by some challenging oral boards cases chosen by Drs. McDonough and Hill. Look forward to next week!

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