Troublesome Tracheostomies

Troublesome Tracheostomies

Troubles with tracheostomy tubes can be some of the most anxiety provoking complaints we see in the Emergency Department.  Airway master and Dr. IC Cordes himself, Dr. Steven Carleton, MD PhD joined me on the podcast to help demystify 2 common tracheostomy related complaints - the bleeding trach site and the displaced tracheostomy tube.

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Grand Rounds Recap 8.23.17

Grand Rounds Recap 8.23.17

Dr. Carleton started things off with a review of oral fiberoptic intubation and a step by step guide to trach recanalization. Next we headed off to EM-Neuro combined conference where Dr. Neel discussed headaches that kill, headaches that maim and headaches that annoy. Dr. Thompson walked us through a case of vertebral artery dissection and Dr. Liebman kicked off our wellness curriculum. Dr. Roche finished things up with a discussion the nuances of toxicology in the community. 

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Not Just Sound... It's ULTRAsound!

Not Just Sound... It's ULTRAsound!

Over recent years, ultrasound has permeated our specialty and become a core component in how we provide patient care. It allows us to obtain real time information and make clinical decisions, all while avoiding the harms of more traditional imaging techniques.

But what exactly is going on behind the scenes here?  Take a look at our educational pages dedicated to ultrasound physics and knobology

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The Radioactive Heart

The Radioactive Heart

For Journal Club this past week we covered what is undoubtably one of the more controversial diagnostic tests used in the evaluation of patients presenting to physicians with chest pain.  The most recent NICE guidelines recommend Coronary CT as the first line test for patients with stable angina symptoms but don't Coronary CT's lead to increased downstream testing? more radiation exposure? To investigate this topic we took a look at 3 articles focused on the utility of Coronary CT scans. Take a listen to the podcast and read the recap to learn for yourself.

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Grand Rounds Recap 8.9.17

Grand Rounds Recap 8.9.17

This week's Grand Rounds began with Quarterly Sim led by Dr. LaFollette who walked us through a case of cardiogenic shock and neutropenic fever. Dr. Curry led us through an oral boards triple case with an unstable MCC, a FB ingestion and perforated viscous. Dr. Hill presented an eOrals case of thyroid storm. Lastly was PEM-EM combined conference, led by Dr. Wurster Ovalle, which focused on the treatment of pediatric DKA with a special focus on cerebral edema. 

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Grand Rounds Recap 8.2.17

Grand Rounds Recap 8.2.17

This week was filled with lots of high yield quick hit Grand Rounds sessions. Dr. Stolz kicked it off with her first official lecture as UC EM's Ultrasound Director with a talk on how to use ultrasound in resuscitation of the shock patient. Next Dr. Knight went over some procedural complications and then switched gears to pearls on how to give a stellar lecture. Dr. Lagasse walked us through a case of ascending cholangitis followed by Drs. Colmer, Soria and Continenza who led small groups focused on care of the geriatric patient. Dr. Toth followed with management of eye complaints in the community and Dr. Shaw wrapped things up with an update on the opioid epidemic in Ohio.

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Grand Rounds Recap 7.26.17

Grand Rounds Recap 7.26.17

In this week's Grand Rounds, we led with our first Morbidity and Mortality conference of the year. Dr. Lagasse walked us through cognitive biases, the management of early obstetric emergencies, and the management of skin and soft tissue infections in the diabetic foot. In our leadership curriculum, Drs Hill and Stettler discussed the fundamentals of being a leader, and we got to hear from a panel of accomplished physicians within our department about their own leadership journey. Finally, in our Consultant of the Month series, Dr. Martha Ferguson discussed the management of ano-rectal conditions in the Emergency Department.

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Grand Rounds Recap 7.12.17

Grand Rounds Recap 7.12.17

In this week's Grand Rounds, Dr. McDonough spearheaded a discussion of the art of breaking bad news in the Emergency Department. Drs Dang, Renne and Teuber led us through a focused management of obstetric emergencies: placental abruption, difficult deliveries and the pregnant traumatic arrest patient.

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Grand Rounds Recap 7.5.17

Grand Rounds Recap 7.5.17

In our first Grand Rounds of the academic year, we started with Dr. Pancioli teaching us about the history of Emergency Medicine. Dr. Palmer discussed team work and the case for building social capital and Dr. LaFollette worked through the disposition of patients with chest pain. Our clinical pharmacist Chris Droege, PharmD discussed the evolving landscape of agents we have to reverse oral anticoagulants.

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Grand Rounds Recap 6.28.2017

Grand Rounds Recap 6.28.2017

The last Grand Rounds of the 2016-2017 academic year kicked off with M&M with Dr. Betham presenting on EKGs, vitamin deficiencies, sepsis and hemorrhoids. Dr. Deb Gerdes brought us a global health update and Dr. Titone taught us about hyperthermic emergencies. 

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Annals of B-Pod: Summer Issue Is Here!

Annals of B-Pod: Summer Issue Is Here!

From minor care to major injuries, this Summer 2017 edition of Annals of B Pod goes beyond B Pod. Dr. Murphy starts off with a discussion of the learning points from his prehospital cricothyrotomy in this month's Air Care column. From B pod, Dr. Harty discusses the management of abdominal compartment syndrome. Dr. Golden tells of a case of acute HIV presenting as thrombocytopenia. Dr. Baez's procedure piece describes how to measure bladder pressure for patients at risk of elevated intra-abdominal pressures. From I pod, Dr. Banning describes the diagnosis and treatment of Lisfranc injuries. In the monthly pharmacy article, we discuss reversal of neuromuscular blockade with sugammadex. Finally, Dr. Scanlon describes de Winter's morphology in the EKG corner. 

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Annals of B-Pod: To Cric or Not to Cric?

Annals of B-Pod: To Cric or Not to Cric?

In this AirCare case, Dr. Murphy eloquently details his experience in managing something every emergency physician fears - the need for a crash airway in a patient with severe airway injuries. Dr. Murphy discusses both the technical evaluation of a patient for a potential cricothyrotomy as well as his personal thoughts and reflections following the procedure.

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