Twisting and Turning - Ankle Injuries in the ED

Twisting and Turning - Ankle Injuries in the ED

As an EM physician, it is important to have an understanding of the spectrum of ankle injuries and how these are appropriately evaluated. Certain injuries carry risks of further injury, injury-related complications, and poor outcomes which are exacerbated if they are inappropriately managed in the ED. This post will cover some of the most common and important injuries, but is not comprehensive.

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Grand Rounds Recap 07.22.20

Grand Rounds Recap 07.22.20

This week’s Grand Rounds was full of teamwork, sports medicine, fast-paced lecturing, and just a little rivalry. Whether you’re a fan of the R2 CPC format or the R4 Case Follow-Up, this week’s summary is sure to be a crowd pleaser. Also including Dr. Benoit’s lit of practice changing EM articles of the last year - with links!

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Diagnostics: Knee and Ankle X-rays

Diagnostics: Knee and Ankle X-rays

Hip and knee pain almost categorically get an X-Ray in the ED, but when do you need more? And when could another view help you avoid a more costly imaging test? This week join Dr. Gressick as she gets back to the basics in the acquisition and interpretation of the hip and knee X-Rays

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Grand Rounds Recap - 11/13/14

Grand Rounds Recap - 11/13/14

SBIRT (Screening, Brief Intervention, Referral, & Treatment) for Substance Abuse

Why should we care?

  • Prevalence of this disease is impressive with greater than 33,000 deaths attributed to alcohol in 2012 alone (287,000 MVC's in Ohio alone attributable to alcohol)
  • Medical problems attributable to alcohol use costs the US $100,000,000,000 annually (from health care bills to lost productivity)!
  • Approximately 33% of inpatient admissions in a country hospital population were attributable to alcohol
  • One in five Americans can be defined as at risk drinkers
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