Grand Rounds Recap - 4/29/15
/Morbidity and Mortality Conference with Dr. Stull
1. Pericardiocentesis tips and tricks
- Your needle should be at a 45 degree angle when entering the chest at the xyphoid process, aim to the L shoulder/scapula
- Use a spinal needle and keep the stylet in while entering the skin in order to prevent needle clogging
- Keep head of bed at 30 degrees to encourage the fluid to drain inferiorly
- Can attach an EKG lead to the needle by an alligator clip. You will get an ST elevation in that lead if you hit the myocardium
- Can use an A.line kit to place a catheter into the pericardium for continuous drainage
- US probe position: subxyphoid
- How to Video on TamingtheSRU -
2. Hemorrhagic shock
- Class I: 15% of blood volume loss.
- Pt may be completely asymptomatic and have normal vital signs
- Shock without vital sign abnormalities is difficult to recognize
- Mental status change (agitation, anxiety) may be your first sign
- ESRD patients have a baseline uremia, which makes them coagulopathic
- Check a TEG
- These patients have abnormally functioning platelets, so their MA will be abnormal
- DDAVP is the reversal agent for platelet abnormalities
3. Pain Control in the ED
- This is obviously very individual, however be internally consistent. If the patient requires IV pain medication in the ED for a legitimate reason, they will probably need something for pain on discharge
- There are studies that have shown that patients leave the ED in severe pain very frequently
- Lack of education
- Lack of rigorous studies
- Concern for opioid abuse
- We consistently underdose morphine. The appropriate dose is 0.1 mg/kg of actual body weight
- Higher side effect rate than dilaudid
- Fentanyl is also a good choice for first line medication for acute pain
- Pain and anxiety are connected, if you address one, you are usually addressing the other
4. Cellulitis and Abscess
- Complicated cellulitits (large area, DM, HIV, toxicity, location on face or hand)
- Consider admission vs observation
- Abscess + cellulitis should be treated with antibiotics
5. Cyanide Poisoning
- House fire is the most common cause. Wood and plastic releases cyanide when burning.
- Clues to suspect cyanide toxicity
- Smoke/fire exposure and quick deterioration
- Significant anion gap metabolic acidosis
- High pvO2 on VBG
- Treatment is with cyanokit: 5 g drip of hydroxycobalamine
- TamingtheSRU podcast on Cyanide toxicity -
6. TB meningitis
- LP findings: markedly high protein, mid range WBC count (<500) and low glucose
- Do not talk yourself out of doing an LP. A new onset headache in an adult probably needs an LP
- Viral meningitis: 5-100 WBC cells, lymphocyte predominant
- Glucose is normal-slightly low
- Protein slightly high
- Bacterial meningitis: > 1000 neutrophils
- Low glucose and high protein
- Give dexamethasone: improves outcomes
- Extrapulmonary TB: lymphatics, bone, hepatic, meningitis
- TB risk factors (5 Is): immunocompromised, immigrants, incarcerated, in the streets (homeless), indolent course
Airway Cases with Dr. Carleton
Case 1 - The Awake Look
- Predictors of difficulty: LEMONS (difficult direct laryngoscopy), MOANS (bagging), RODS (EGD), SMART (cricothyrotomy)
- Awake look: need a cooperative patient
- Anesthetize the airway
- Method of choice in pts with predicted difficult airway but not forced to act
- 7Ps: preparation, preoxygenation, pretreatment (will likely go away in next installment), paralysis and induction, positioning, placement and proof, post intubation care
- Anticipate hypopharyngeal edema in patients with King airway
- Always optimize ventilation and 1st pass success
- Even in patients with predictors of difficulty for BVM, you can usually bag through an EGD
Case 2 - Trouble Passing the Tube
- If you encounter difficulty in passing the tube past the vocal cords (e.g. subglottic obstruction), you can always pass a scope through the tube and visualize the obstruction
- If you are NP scoping somebody for the purpose of looking at the airway pre-intubation, use the long scope so that you can intubate through it or look subglottically
- Be prepared to anesthetize the cords and intubate
- Be careful with bougies, they are stiff and can easily dissect soft tissues and create a false passage
Case 3 - Intubating through an iGel
- It is possible to intubate fiberoptically through an iGel - See this post on TamingtheSRU for the how-to:
Clinical Controversies: Trauma Pan Scan with Drs. McDonough and Moellman
Caveat: this pertains to the moderately injured trauma patient
Top 5 reasons to Pan Scan
1. Conventional approach is not good enough: exam, gestalt, plain films
- Our gestalt is not very good in picking up injuries if we don't think the pt is sick
- Physical exam misses 50% of abdominal injuries
- CXR is not good at picking up chest trauma. Chest CT not only picks up missed injuries, but also changes therapy
- C spine x-rays miss injuries. CT leads to change in therapy
2. Cost effectiveness
- Pan scan here is charged approximately $16,000
- This cost is probably worth it for moderate severity patients because the missed injuries will incur a high cost to the patient and health care
3. Pan scan saves time: time to diagnosis and disposition
4. Decreased morbidity, length of stay and complications
5. Decreased mortality
Counterpoint: When did we stop thinking? - you should not pan scan based on mechanism or location alone
Literature mentioned before is not very rigorous. All retrospective, trauma driven, with lots of bias, a lot of patients are actually sick and hemodynamically unstable, which is not the patient we are talking about
Missed injuries that lead to an intervenable critical action in a stable patient are very rare (< 0.5%)
- Trauma is uncomfortable with diagnostic delay and missed minor injuries
- They are biased: they do not see minor injuries, mostly activated for moderate-severe injuries
ED physicians are exposed to broader severity and are more aware of resource limitation
Radiation exposure: 10-30 mSv per pan scan
- > 20 mSv of radiation leads to 1 in 1000 risk of cancer in lifetime
Most scans (> 80%) come back normal
NEXUS Chest CT decision rules
- Age > 60
- Rapid deceleration mechanism
- Chest pain
- Intoxication
- Distracting injury
- Tenderness on chest wall exam
If the patient does not meet any of the above criteria, they do not need a CT chest: sensitivity 98.8
Low risk characteristics for T spine injuries
- Exam: pain, midline tenderness, deformity, neuro deficit
- Age > 60
- High risk mechanism