Diagnostics and Therapeutics: Tricks of the Trach

Diagnostics and Therapeutics: Tricks of the Trach

Successful airway management is one of the cornerstones of every emergency medicine physician’s toolkit, and tracheostomies can often fall under that category of “difficult” or “scary”. In this post, we aim to familiarize learners with the anatomy of the trach airway and basics of trach tubes as well as teach management and troubleshooting of various complications of tracheostomies.

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Grand Rounds Recap 12.21.22

Grand Rounds Recap 12.21.22

This week, we reviewed some ENT pearls, discussed the differential diagnosis of bilateral upper extremity weakness in a fantastic CPC case, discussed paraneoplastic syndromes, and held a hands on airway workshop.

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Grand Rounds Recap 3.27.19

Grand Rounds Recap 3.27.19

Enjoy this week’s Grand Round’s Recap. Dr. Murphy started us off with a great Morbidity and Mortality conference with a variety of fascinating cases. Next, Dr. LaFollette taught us some pearls for HEENT emergencies if you are out in the community. Dr. Hunt took us through transfusion reactions and how to manage them, followed by Dr. Hall discussing the management pearls of Nonconvulsive Status Epilepticus. Next, Dr. Connelly taught us how we can incorporate alternative EKG leads into our practice, and Dr. Klaszky finished our day with a nuanced take of how to manage refractory septic shock. It was a jam packed day full of great learning!

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Grand Rounds Recap - 10/1/2014

Grand Rounds Recap - 10/1/2014

Consultant of the Month Series: Ear Emergencies with Dr. Golub

Auricular hematoma

Blood separates the cartilage from the perichondrium which supplies the blood-flow to the cartilage. This can lead to cartilaginous ischemia, infection, deformation (cauliflower ear). Treatment: I+D: make cuts parallel to natural lines in the helix to reduce visible scarring. Place a bolster to close the new potential space. Bolster stays for 7-10days. Keep on Keflex while bolster in place and f/u with ENT. 

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