A Test of Limitations - Urine Drug Screens

A Test of Limitations - Urine Drug Screens

The urine drug screen (UDS) is a relatively inexpensive and quick test to obtain in the emergency department, but how useful is it?. You may be tempted to order it for a patient who comes in altered or intoxicated. Before ordering, it is important to understand how the UDS works and its limitations.

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The Urine Drug Screen - Know Thy Limitations

The Urine Drug Screen - Know Thy Limitations

We are all guilty of ordering them in the ED, but do we really know what we’re ordering?

The Implications of the Urine Drug Screen

1 literature review looked at 7 different retrospective studies describing a total of 1,405 patients and found the urine drug screen did not affect the management of any of these patients while in the emergency department.  However, the data from the UDS can affect a patient’s clinical care outside of the Emergency Department.  For example, if a patient requires psychiatric inpatient care, initial knowledge of drug abuse could affect this patient’s etiology of illness or rehabilitation plan.

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