Grand Rounds Recap 6.7.23

Grand Rounds Recap 6.7.23

This week Dr. Diaz starts off with a challenging case of massive upper GI bleed managed with balloon tamponade. We then moved into a case follow-up with profound electrical storm and recurrent ventricular arrhythmias secondary to a STEMI. Following this, we took a deep dive into waveform capnography regarding normal physiology and alterations with lung pathology with Dr. Wilson. Next, we had an exciting CPC showdown where Dr. Bryant successfully diagnosed Dr. Haffner’s case of valproic acid toxicity presenting with hyperammonemic encephalopathy. We closed with Dr. Wosiski-Kuhn outlining the difficulty of intubation in a patient with DKA and severe metabolic acidosis.

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Grand Rounds Recap 4.13.22

Grand Rounds Recap 4.13.22

Join us as Dr. Frederick discusses a case of massive upper GI bleeding, Dr. Kletsel challenges Dr. Ham to a battle of wits in CPC, Dr. Chhabria spills the salt on ‘dysnatremias’, Dr. Frankenfeld discusses posterior strokes, and Our CCHMC PEM colleagues brief us on pediatric broken bones!

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Grand Rounds Recap 2.2.22

Grand Rounds Recap 2.2.22

In this week’s Grand Rounds, Dr. Laurence led us through an incredible and education Morbidity and Mortality Conference, Drs. Gillespie and Continenza worked through a dramatic case combining vision changes and rash, Dr. Wright reminded us to not forget the esophagus in our patients with chest pain and Dr. Connelly gave a fantastic overview of EMS provider education and systems structure in her R4 Capstone. Finally, our incredible visiting professor, Dr. Megan Rybarcyzk gave us insight into building an emergency medicine education program in the midst of a pandemic and provides tips and tricks for those seeking a career in global health.

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Grand Rounds Recap 10.28.20

Grand Rounds Recap 10.28.20

Check out this week’s Grand Rounds Recap! Dive into colitis on CT via M&M with Dr. Koehler. Understand and treat cardiogenic shock with Drs. Kimmel and Broadstock. Share some laughs and learn about eyes with Visiting Professor Dr. Glaucomflecken. Disposition abnormal cardiac rhythms as seen in the community with Dr. LaFollette

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