Dr. Charles Brower
UC EM Class of 2025
With the advent of fast-acting subcutaneous insulin analogs over the past 20 years, multiple studies have demonstrated that subcutaneous insulin protocols for treatment for treatment of mild-to-moderate severity DKA are safe and cost-effective when compared to intravenous insulin infusion protocols in non-ICU settings. In the context of increasing ED and hospital crowding as well as limited ICU availability, this study aimed to evaluate the impact of a subcutaneous insulin (SQuID) protocol in the treatment of DKA on emergency department length-of-stay (EDLOS) and ICU admissions
Maxillofacial trauma is common in the emergency department as ~80% of patients with polytrauma sustain injuries to the head, face, and/or neck. The most common etiologies of facial fractures are: assault (36%), motor vehicle accidents (32%), falls (18%), sports injuries (11%), occupational injuries (3%), and gunshot wounds (2%).3 The most commonly fractured facial bones are (in descending order): nasal bones, orbital floor, zygomaticomaxillary complex, maxillary sinuses, mandibular ramus, and the nasoethmoidorbital. This post will review the general approach to evaluation of maxillofacial trauma in the ED followed by specific management recommendations for various fracture patterns.