Air Care Series: Pressure-Volume Loop and Impella Support

Air Care Series: Pressure-Volume Loop and Impella Support

Cardiogenic Shock can humble the finest of critical care crew. Knowing the physiology and new adjuncts that can be a critical part of resuscitation can salvage the sickest LVs out there. Take a deep dive into cardiogenic shock and Impella support with Dr. Adam Gottula

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Air Care Series: Accidental Hypothermia

Air Care Series: Accidental Hypothermia

Stuck in the Polar Vortex? Consider this. Hypothermia often requires unique approaches to the traditional management of classic pathology in the critical care transport environment. Take a deep dive into the classifcation and management of patients suffering from accidental hypothermia - from rewarming to cardiac arrest management and ECMO.

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Mastering Minor Care: Hydrofluoric Acid Exposure

Mastering Minor Care: Hydrofluoric Acid Exposure

Although hand injuries are often triaged to minor care/fast track, not all of these injuries are so minor in nature. Join Dr. Adam Gottula and Dr. Bennett Lane as they discuss one of the most fear hand injuries: Hydrofluoric Acid Exposure.

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