Grand Rounds Recap 6.23.21

Grand Rounds Recap 6.23.21

It is the last Grand Rounds of the academic year and we have some heavy hitters this week! Dr. Hughes reviews cases and shares clinical pearls in this month’s morbidity and Morbidity and Mortality. Dr. Wolochatiuk tames a crashing pulmonary embolism in the SRU. Dr. Skrobut discusses the toll that EM takes on all of us. Dr. Paulsen discussess supervision, professional development, and burnout.

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Grand Rounds Recap 06.24.20

Grand Rounds Recap 06.24.20

The final Grand Rounds of the 2019-20 academic year offered an incredible line up of lectures followed by an annual residency program evaluation and wrap-up by the outgoing chief residents, lovingly called “KJAM”.

Dr. Golden presented our monthly Morbidity and Mortality conference, full of cases to learn from and improve clinical care. Dr. Shaw presented his Taming the SRU lecture on a case of massive hemoptysis in an otherwise young and healthy patient. Dr. Murphy-Crews delivered a moving R4 Capstone lecture, demonstrating the low NNT for ED thoracotomies and highlighting that resilience is not the issue when it comes to burnout and physician suicide.

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Grand Rounds Recap 12.6.17

Grand Rounds Recap 12.6.17

We had a jam packed Grand Rounds this week kicked off by Dr. Carleton's airway lecture discussing tools to maximize fiberoptic intubation success. Next Drs. Roche and Plash led us through wilderness medicine small groups discussing plant ingestions and creative extrication techniques. Drs. Murphy-Crews and Bryant participated in a CPC case with a seizing neonate followed by Dr. O'Brien's discussion of blunt neck trauma. Next Dr. Cotton presented data on physician burnout and how to combat it while Dr. Li wrapped things up with an overview of Kawasaki's disease. 

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Grand Rounds Recap 4.19.2017

Grand Rounds Recap 4.19.2017

This week kicked off with a Tox filled R4 Simulation where we learned about ASA, digoxin, and hydrofluoric acid toxicities. This was followed by lectures on cardiac disease in diabetes, pediatric pain management strategies, physician burnout and hypothermic cardiac arrest. 

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