Grand Rounds Recap 3.8.23

Grand Rounds Recap 3.8.23

We are back with a special grand rounds with visiting professor Dr. Arun Nagdev discussing a variety of ultrasound guided nerve blocks in the ED, CPC with Drs. Harward and Roche, and a review of multiple etiologies and management of pediatric seizure with our CCHMC PEM colleagues.

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Grand Rounds Recap 7.6.2022

Grand Rounds Recap 7.6.2022

This week we heard from Dr. Baxter about clinical reasoning and the pendulum of clinical thought one often goes through during residency. Dr. Thompson had a brief Operations update for trauma pages and sepsis. We were pushed to consider our own practice patterns with Dr. LaFollette’s cases of Hyponatremia, Sodium Nitrate and Syncope. The quick hits lecture series made its debut talking about QTc intervals, penetrating neck trauma, and a pneumonia research quick hit. We wrapped up the day with neuroimaging tips from Dr. Knight and understanding the care delivered to incarcerated persons at the Hamilton county justice center with Dr. Srivastava.

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Diagnostics: Dysnatremias

Diagnostics: Dysnatremias

Abnormal sodium values are a common finding on basic metabolic testing, however the more deranged the value, the more critical it is to think causation, as interventions to treat the abnormality can become as dangerous as the abnormality itself. Join Dr. Chhabria as she dives into the causations and treatments of dysnatremias

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Grand Rounds Recap 4.13.22

Grand Rounds Recap 4.13.22

Join us as Dr. Frederick discusses a case of massive upper GI bleeding, Dr. Kletsel challenges Dr. Ham to a battle of wits in CPC, Dr. Chhabria spills the salt on ‘dysnatremias’, Dr. Frankenfeld discusses posterior strokes, and Our CCHMC PEM colleagues brief us on pediatric broken bones!

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Grand Rounds Recap 05.26.2021

Grand Rounds Recap 05.26.2021

Dr. Koehler reviews cases and shared clinical pearls with this month’s Morbidity and Mortality Conference, Dr. Kowalenko visits virtually to discuss ABEM Board Certification and give us a medical history lesson on Presidential Assassinations

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Grand Rounds Recap 3.1.17

Grand Rounds Recap 3.1.17

This week Dr. Axelson took us through great DKA in pregnancy, hyponatremia tips, and prioritization in UGIB in this month's M&M. Critical Care bound Dr. Renne laid out some intra-arrest tips and Dr. Brown from Cincinnati Children's talked about Adult Congenital Heart Disease. Small groups covered everything from ACLS logistics to shoulder US to Minnesota tube insertion. 

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Ground Rounds Summary 8/19/15

Ground Rounds Summary 8/19/15

Simulation - Clonidine Overdose

  • 30 yo FM presents after having taking a handful of pills with the following VS: HR 45, BP 83/60, RR 8, 100% RA, T 98.  FS101. It gets better—there's a baby behind that baby bump.  
    • Ddx for AMS, hypotension and bradycardia? Tox, hemoperitoneum, spinal shock, myxedema coma, and a quite atypical sepsis. 
    • By EMS report this lady reportedly took a handful of unknown pills in an effort to harm herself. Remember to consider clonidine overdose in addition to beta blockers and calcium channel blockers. This lady found herself a bottle of clonidine and a near successful suicide attempt.
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