EM Diagnostics: Pleural Fluid and Ascitic Fluid Analysis

EM Diagnostics: Pleural Fluid and Ascitic Fluid Analysis

Paracentesis and thoracentesis are relatively common procedures in the Emergency Department but the analysis of the fluid can always but a touch confusing.  In this post, PGY-1 Dr. Michael Klaszky walks us through the analysis of pleural fluid and ascitic fluid.

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Grand Rounds Summary 01.04.17

Grand Rounds Summary 01.04.17

The Knights of the (Grand) Rounds Table led us on our educational adventure this week. Dr. Andrew Knight brought us his expertise on teams within the healthcare system. Dr. Ryan Knight MARCHed us through an approach to trauma and lent his perspective and expertise on REBOA. Dr. William Knight rounded out the day with a great lecture on concussion. 

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Grand Rounds Summary 12.21.16

Grand Rounds Summary 12.21.16

As 2016 comes to a close, Dr. McKean taught us about transfusion related lung injury, PEs, TCA overdoses, and the use of platelets in ICH during M&M. We learned the basics about the renal panel with Dr. Owens. Drs. Betz and Summers battled it out over drug-induced hepatitis and Dr. McKee taught us about Crypococcal Meningitis in her case follow-up. The year wrapped up with another Levy Cup Pre-season battle lead by Drs. Boyer and Winders.  

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Grand Rounds Recap 12.14.16

Grand Rounds Recap 12.14.16

This week we started out with a great presentation updating our Emergency KT and approach to alcohol withdrawal from Drs. Soria and Whitford. Drs. Brent and Curry updated us on the Southwest Ohio EMS Protocols and Dr. Neel gave us a wonderful overview of approach to peripheral neuropathies. We rounded out the day with Peds Simulation addressing CAH, congenital heart disease, and treating malnutrition in a remote setting. 

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Grand Rounds Summary 12.7.16

Grand Rounds Summary 12.7.16

This week in the Grand Rounds Recap, Dr. Richardson gives us the quick and dirty of constipation, Drs Jarrell and Kircher discuss cases of laboratory study interpretation in liver disease. In addition, Dr. Carleton reviews the anatomy of femoral nerve blocks and Dr. Klasky discusses how we should be approaching non-hemorrhagic anemia in the ED.

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Annals of B Pod: December Issue!

Annals of B Pod: December Issue!

In this Winter 2016 edition of Annals of B Pod, we focus on cardiovascular emergencies and their management in the Emergency Department and beyond. In our new Air Care column, we write about the prehospital management of patients with profound cardiogenic shock requiring intra-aortic balloon pumps. In our recurring pharmacology column, we discuss the ED management of hypertensive emergency. Back in B Pod, Dr. Scanlon writes about a rare complication of renal failure in a patient with a large uremic pericardial effusion, and in our new procedure piece, we walk through the technical steps required to perform an emergent pericardiocentesis. On the back page, our EKG corner goes over the modified Sgarbossa criteria. This issue of Annals of B Pod gets back to the heart of it all, highlighting what makes residency so rewarding: interesting pathology, challenging procedures and clinical excellence.

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Annals of B-Pod: Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump

Annals of B-Pod: Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump

The third Annals of B Pod December Issue highlights a new section - highlighting cases on the front lines in the helicopter. The intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP), first developed in the 1960s, is one of the most widely-used cardiac assist devices. Placed in critically-ill patients with cardiogenic shock, it increases coronary blood flow and decreases afterload. Patients with IABPs are frequently transferred to tertiary referral hospitals via helicopter emergency medical services (HEMS) transport. As such, prehospital and ED providers must become comfortable with the management of these patients and be aware of complications from these devices, we will take a look at two Air Care cases with IABPs.

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Clinical Diagnostics: Laboratory Studies in Hepatic Failure

Clinical Diagnostics: Laboratory Studies in Hepatic Failure

There are many groups of patients that alter how we must evaluate and interpret our diagnostic studies in the setting of baseline chronic laboratory abnormalities, which is often challenging. One especially challenging patient population are patients with chronic liver disease, and in this post Dr. Jarrell will take us into how their disease process creates chronic and acute on chronic derangements of which we need to be aware in daily and emergent management of these patients. 

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Annals of B-Pod: Quick Hit Case

Annals of B-Pod: Quick Hit Case

The second installment from the December Issue of Annals of B Pod, Dr. Ham presents a female patient with no past medical history who presents to the Emergency Department shortly after stepping through a picture frame that was propped up on her floor at home. The glass shattered, lacerating the posterior aspect of her left lower leg. She is complaining of difficulty walking, but denies loss of sensation distal to the injury...

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Grand Rounds Recap 11.30.16

Grand Rounds Recap 11.30.16

This week in UCEM Grand Rounds: the harrowing story of the desaturating trauma patient with a metal pole impaled through his mouth and neck. Also: making the diagnosis of HIV in the ED. Managing hemorrhagic shock on Air Care. How much did that ED visit or hospitalization cost your patient? Managing tachy-arrhythmias in the setting of cardiac arrest with a pacemaker.

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Annals of B Pod - B Pod Case: Taking Renal Failure to Heart

Annals of B Pod - B Pod Case: Taking Renal Failure to Heart

The first article from the December 2016 issue of Annals of B Pod is of a patient that is a male in his late 30s with a past medical history significant for trisomy 21, stage III chronic kidney disease of unspecified etiology, and hypertension who presents to the Emergency Department with emesis and dark stools.  The patient is unable to contribute significantly to his history, but his family relates that two days prior to presentation, the patient experienced two episodes of “coffee ground” emesis according to the patient’s home health nurse. Over the next day, the patient subsequently experienced several episodes of melenic stools. His family also notes that he has seemed feverish, more lethargic, and less active than his baseline.

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