Tube Thoracostomy for Hemothorax - Is a Tiny Tube Just Fine?

Tube Thoracostomy for Hemothorax - Is a Tiny Tube Just Fine?

In this Journal Club podcast, PGY-3 Tony Fabiano breaks down a paper from the Journal of Trauma comparing the effectiveness and patient perception of pigtail catheters versus standard chest tubes for hemothorax in the setting of trauma. Is a tiny tube effective at all in draining blood from the chest?

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Grand Rounds Summary 8.10.2022

Grand Rounds Summary 8.10.2022

We are back with another exciting week of grand rounds, this time with an overview of acute aortic insufficiency and tricuspid regurgitation, a walkthrough of ED use of coronary CTA, a High Acuity/Low Opportunity and Low Acuity/Low Opportunity procedure lab, and finally a discussion of the always-feared sick undifferentiated infant.

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Grand Rounds Recap 8.3.22

Grand Rounds Recap 8.3.22

For Grand Rounds this week We took a deep dive into 2 cases of Pericardial Effusions with our R2 CPC with Dr. Grisoli and our R3 Taming the SRU lecture with Dr. Ferreri. One case ended up being a purulent pericardial effusion while the other was an LV freewall rupture. Dr. Sabedra Expanded our knowledge on how to better care for pregnant and breast feeding patients and how to be a support co-worker to our pregnant and breast feeding colleges. Lastly, Dr. Frankenfeld walked us through some of the data around when patients leave against medical advice, how to try to avoid this, and how to appropriately counsel our patients.

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Grand Rounds Recap 7.27.22

Grand Rounds Recap 7.27.22

Another great week of Grand Rounds kicked off by Dr. Lex Kimmel’s Morbidity and Mortality Conference touching on Ectopic Pregnancy, Finger Dislocation and DOAC overdose management. Dr. Goff presents a case follow up of a gastritis complication. Firearms are lethal, join Dr. Yates as she discusses how to prep yourself with the data to help our patients. Finally we get specialist lecturers discussing acute management of acute occlusive event management in sickle cell disease.

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Grand Rounds Recap 7.20.22

Grand Rounds Recap 7.20.22

This week’s grand rounds features a discussion of best practices for receiving feedback, how to think about and apply clinical decision rules, BRASH syndrome, Cryptococcus Meningitis, and two oral boards cases about aortoenteric fistulas and mesenteric ischemia.

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Grand Rounds Recap 7.6.2022

Grand Rounds Recap 7.6.2022

This week we heard from Dr. Baxter about clinical reasoning and the pendulum of clinical thought one often goes through during residency. Dr. Thompson had a brief Operations update for trauma pages and sepsis. We were pushed to consider our own practice patterns with Dr. LaFollette’s cases of Hyponatremia, Sodium Nitrate and Syncope. The quick hits lecture series made its debut talking about QTc intervals, penetrating neck trauma, and a pneumonia research quick hit. We wrapped up the day with neuroimaging tips from Dr. Knight and understanding the care delivered to incarcerated persons at the Hamilton county justice center with Dr. Srivastava.

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Mastering Minor Care: Hand Injuries

Mastering Minor Care: Hand Injuries

Dr. Stark takes us through a thorough hand exam & common injuries in the ED - come learn or refresh your anatomy, fracture patterns and can’t miss diagnosis or hand and forearm injuries.

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Grand Rounds Recap 6.29.2022

Grand Rounds Recap 6.29.2022

First Grand Rounds of the 2022-2023 Academic Year! Join Dr. Pancioli as he recounts how our program came to fruition as well as challenges that EM continues to find ways to overcome. Dr. McDonough leads a professionalism talk that helps define what keeps us on top of our game and collectively strong in the hospital. Dr. Paulsen gives Admit, Discharge and Transfer case studies to ground our difficult community decisions.

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